Pay for services and resources at KeKe’s Publishing by using The Ohio ACE Educational Savings Account Program. This program provides qualifying families with a $1000 credit.
Here’s how it works for parents, guardians, students, and service providers.
Step 1: Create your account
Follow along in the Applicant User Manual for a step-by-step walkthrough on how to apply for the ACE Savings Account. Click the QR Code below.

Step 2: Spend your ACE Funds with KeKe’s Publishing
Choose KeKe’s Publishing, LLC as your service provider.
Step 3: Visit www.kekespublishing.com to Register for your Services
Book your KeKe’s Tutoring Service and/or purchase books (Merchandise not included) and let the learning adventure begin!
Step 4: Questions:
Contact Us at https://kekespublishing.com/contact/

The Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) Educational Savings Account program provides funds to a student’s parent or guardian to use on various enrichment and educational activities. The program is being offered through a contract between Merit International, Inc. and the Ohio Department of Education.
Here is how it works for parents, guardians, students, and service providers:

Submit income verification
Follow along the Applicant User Manual for a step-by-step walkthrough on income verification. This involves creating an OHID account, setting up an Ohio department of Education profile, requesting access to the Income Verification application, and how to apply for the ACE Savings Account.

Sign up with Merit
After Income Verification is complete (this entire process may take up to two weeks), qualifying parents and guardians will receive an email from Merit notifying them to sign up to receive access to their account finds. The email also will include a link to the Education Marketplace.

Spend ACE funds with qualified education service providers
Parents and guardians will be able to access the Education Marketplace to find providers in their areas after income verification has been established and sign-up with Merit on ACEOhio.org is complete.
Click on the QR-code or scan it with your mobile device to learn more!